# Configure the Workato SAP connector

To configure the SAP connector you must create a connection in the Workato UI.

There are two ways to create a connection in Workato depending on whether you've chosen to set up connections directly in Workato (Cloud profiles) or Manually in each agent (Legacy)

# If you're creating connections directly in Workato

SAP connection


Select the connector SAP RFC.


Select the On-prem Group, in this example, OPA DEV EU.


Provide the details of your connection in the connection fields. Learn more


Click Connect. If the connection is successful, you can start building recipes in Workato to talk to SAP.

# If you're creating connections manually in each agent

SAP connection


Select the connector SAP RFC.


Select the On-prem Group, in this example, OPA DEV US.


Input the OPA profile name for SAP you have created in Create a SAP profile in OPA, in this case sap_profile_qs4.


Click Connect. If the connection is successful, you can start building recipes in Workato to talk to SAP.

Last updated: 2/20/2024, 5:01:26 PM