# API Platform


The API Platform feature is an add-on. Contact your Workato Customer Success Manager for more information.

The API Platform enables you to create API proxies, which securely forward traffic to your internal APIs.

The API Platform also enables you to create API recipes, which expose recipe functionality as API endpoints. This allows you to share data with partners or use the functionality in other recipes.

You can create API collections from groups of endpoints, whether the endpoints are recipe-based or proxy-based.

API publishers can control access to endpoints, monitor requests, and set limits on usage.

# Key concepts and features


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# Access Policies

An Access Policy can be used to set restrictions on the usage of an API. A single policy can be associated with one or more Access Profiles. Learn more.

# Access Profiles

A single client can have one or more Access Profiles. An Access Profile specifies one or more API Collections to which the client has access, and is optionally associated with an Access Policy. Learn more.

# API Collections

An API collection is a set of endpoints that can be managed together. These endpoints can be API recipe-based or API proxy-based. Learn more.

# API Proxy

An API proxy is a gateway that separates a client-facing API from internal APIs. You can securely expose internal APIs as endpoints while making use of management features provided by the API Platform. Learn more.

# API Recipes

An API recipe is a type of recipe that can be used to create API endpoints. Using the API Platform feature, you can expose these endpoints to external users or use them in other recipes. Learn more.

# API Tokens

An API token grants access to all the API Collections within an Access Profile. Technically, an API token is a string that is passed in the HTTP header with the name api-token. Learn more.

# Clients

A client is a user to whom access to one or more API collections can be granted. Learn more.

# Concurrency

Concurrency refers to the number of requests that can be processed simultaneously at a given time.

# Concurrency limit

The concurrency limit is the maximum number of requests your workspace can process simultaneously.

# Dashboard

A customizable tool to visualize real-time data on API collections and endpoints. Learn more.

# Endpoints

An endpoint is a single callable REST interface. It has an associated public URL.

For API recipe-based endpoints, calls to the URL initiate a recipe that has a New API Request trigger. Learn more.

For API proxy-based endpoints, calls to the endpoint URL are forwarded to a target URL in an HTTP connection.

# Peak concurrent API requests

This represents the summary of peak API requests processed simultaneously across a workspace.

# Queue

The system automatically places requests in a queue when the concurrency limit is reached. It processes these queued requests when other concurrent requests complete.

# Queue size

The queue size represents the maximum number of requests that can be held in a queue when the concurrency limit is reached. When the queue reaches its full capacity, the system rejects any new incoming requests.

# Recipe-level concurrency

Recipe-level concurrency is a feature that allows you to set specific concurrency limits for individual API recipes. This enables you to prioritize selected endpoints or moderate high-traffic endpoints.

# Library

The library is a catalog of APIs that are discoverable by other users in your organization. Learn more.

Last updated: 4/18/2024, 2:52:00 PM