# Marketo - Upsert Tokens Action

This action searches for tokens in your Marketo instance and updates tokens with submitted values if they exist, or creates new tokens.

Upsert tokens action Upsert tokens action

# Input

Input field Description
Folder ID ID of the folder to which the token is/will be associated.
Folder type Type of folder. Possible values are: Folder, Program.
Name Name of the token. Max length is 50 characters.
Type Provide type of the token. Possible values are: date, number, rich text, score, sfdc campaign, text.

# Output

Output field Description
Success Boolean value indicating whether the token was upserted successfully.
Request ID ID associated with the request to upsert the tokens.
Errors Any errors with the request will be detailed here.
Warnings Any warnings with the request will be detailed here.
Result Contains information regarding the tokens upserted and the associated folders.

For a full list of Token response fields, refer to the Marketo documentation (opens new window).

Last updated: 2/18/2022, 10:54:18 AM

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