# Shopify Connector - Search products
This action searches for products in shopify. All products that match the search criteria will be returned.
# Input
Field | Description |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
Product title | The name of the product. |
Product IDs | The unique product ID. You can search for multiple products using a comma-separated list of product IDs. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string for the product. Automatically generated from the product's title. |
Product type | A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products. |
Collection ID | The collection that this product belongs to. |
Created at(min) | Products created after this time will be retrieved. |
Created at(max) | Products created before this time will be retrieved. |
Updated at(min) | Products updated after this time will be retrieved. |
Updated at(max) | Products updated before this time will be retrieved. |
Published at(min) | Products published after this time will be retrieved. |
Published at(max) | Products published before this time will be retrieved. |
Published status | Select from the picklist or input your own value. Choose from ['Published', 'Unpublished', 'Any']. |
# Output
The output to this action is a list of products. Each product includes the following datapills.
Field | Description |
ID | An unsigned 64-bit integer that's used as a unique identifier for the product. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. |
Body html | A description of the product. Supports HTML formatting. |
Product type | A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products. |
Title | The name of the product. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string for the product. Automatically generated from the product's title. |
Published at | The date and time when the product was published. |
Published scope | Whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel. |
Template suffix | The suffix of the Liquid template used for the product page. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
Tags | A string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search. A product can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters. |
Options | The custom product property names like Size, Color, and Material. |
Variants | A list of product variants, each representing a different version of the product. |
Metafields | Information about metafields of the product. |
Created at | The date and time when the product was created. |
Updated at | The date and time when the product was last modified. |
Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM