# Auth token

An Auth token is the simplest way to authenticate the API request with Workato.

First, retrieve the API key from the access profile. Use the copy icon to copy the API key to your clipboard.

Auth Token for an Access profile Auth Token for an Access profile

Next, configure a header with your API key value. For example:

-H 'api-token: ed776fdfbf5003b4aa6bcaafea8f9003ffb6986454822ce7ebb3c1a8efc08348'

Now, when an API request is made, Workato will read this header value and recognize that the request is from a verified access profile.

# Basic authentication

Alternatively, the API request can be authenticated using the basic auth scheme (opens new window). Use api-token as the username and your token value as the password. For example, using the -u option in curl:

-u api-token:ed776fdfbf5003b4aa6bcaafea8f9003ffb6986454822ce7ebb3c1a8efc08348

This should construct and send the following header:

-H 'Authorization: Basic YXBpLXRva2VuOmVkNzc2ZmRmYmY1MDAzYjRhYTZiY2FhZmVhOGY5MDAzZmZiNjk4NjQ1NDgyMmNlN2ViYjNjMWE4ZWZjMDgzNDg='

Last updated: 11/3/2023, 4:18:33 PM