# Add/update user
This guide describes features that are only available to users with an Admin role.
To add or update a user:
Open Slack or Microsoft Teams and navigate to the App homepage.
Select Add/Update User.
Configure the input fields in the Add/Update User interface.
- User email
- This is the Slack email of a user who plans to use the ELT Pipeline Bot.
- Sample value:
- lucycarrigan@example.com
- Role
- A user's role determines their permissions when interacting with the ELT Pipeline Bot.
- Analyst
- Analysts can create, search, and see their own pipelines. Analysts cannot perform actions on pipelines created by other users.
- Admin
- Admins can create, search, and edit their own pipelines. Admins can also perform these actions on pipelines created by other users.
- User status
- Defines if the user has access to the App home page.
- Allowed values:
- Active
- Inactive
Click Submit.
Last updated: 2/22/2024, 11:17:11 PM